
This page is meant to collect stuff that I find along the way and think it's worth sharing.

Il corpo delle donne di Lorella Zanardo
Documentario sulla rappresentazione del femminile nella TV italiana. Il blog qui.

A documentary on the representation of women on Italian TV.
With English subtitles here, con subtítulos en español aquí.

Eduardo Galeano en "Sangue latino" 
Entrevista sobre América Latina, sobre el arte y la literatura, sobre los seres humanos a un escritor extraordinario.

Eduardo Galeano • Sangue Latino (2009) on Vimeo.

Diary, by Tim Hetherington

TH personal diary on the difficult transition between two worlds. In his own words: "'Diary' is a highly personal and experimental film that expresses the subjective experience of my work, and was made as an attempt to locate myself after ten years of reporting. It's a kaleidoscope of images that link our western reality to the seemingly distant worlds we see in the media." TH was killed in Libya in April 2011.

Diary (2010) from Tim Hetherington on Vimeo.

Comprar, tirar, comprar de Cosima Dannoritzer

Documental sobre la obsolescencia programada, la reducción deliberada de la vida de un producto para incrementar su consumo. En español:

Pyramids of Waste (2010) also known as "The lightbulb conspiracy". The documentary is about planned obsolescence, or the deliberate shortening of a commercial product's life to increase sales. In English:

with translations of the non-English spoken parts here