Data is beautiful indeed

Jan 22, 2011 1:32 PM says Moira

Information aesthetics - or how to put data and infos in a visually appealing form, which also helps uncovering other information. A natural development of information visualization, and so cool!

Some links: David McCandlessNicholas Feltron, Andrew Vande MoereVisual ComplexitySimple Complexity. Exclusively anglophone, I know, but we have to recognize that on these things they're always one step ahead. 

Mention has to be made of the great Hans Rosling, the father of meaningful visual elaboration of data, whom I discovered via the ever impressive TED Talks.

But don't be fooled! Information aesthetics is not only helpful in analyzing trends, solving global problems and saving the world, it helps out as well in improving social skills: if your friends need help in starting a conversation at, say, your wedding you can give them some hints.

It offers as well trivial information you can skillfully use to impress people. For example: if anyone ever wonders how rappers choose their bizarre names, there's the Grand Taxonomy of Rap Names to help you out! So handy...

And if you don't know which movie you'd like watching tonight, just take a look at this:

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